Monday, September 29, 2008


Hello peeps!!!
I'm still kinda tired from yesterday's work but I'm still in the mood to change my blog's layout. This is because last night, Sonia sent me some templates which were wonderful. However they are either too small for my entries or something's not right. So, I continued the search for another which is this current layout. I hope it's comfortable to look at but I'll still update my layout from time to time. Again, I would like to thanks Sonia for the inspiration to change my blog's layout *giggles* She too has changed hers.

Nothing much happened during work but sales was slightly better than previous week. Good news? Maybe not.. this means I have another week or two of work.. maybe? Who knows what the future holds. I had Mel visiting me on Saturday and Pui Yen on Sunday. Thanks babes... I do appreciate you both coming but I was too tired to go around with you both so we just sat and chatted while I was having my break.

This is what me and Dave had for dinner when he came to fetch me from work.

I had Black Bean Chicken Rice (at KLCC 4th food court; Little Wok)

Dave had Mushroom Chicken Rice

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I'll be back! pretty soon...

19th June 2010
8.53 a.m.