Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Not in a very positive mood...

Things have been going up and down recently. Happy most of the time... angry at some point... trying to stay as positive as I can.

Finally I've managed to keep some pounds off my body. Perhaps it's due to the positive feeling I've recently developed from reading books.. well online books tho.. (trying to safe up some money ;)). Tomorrow will be the third yoga class and I am enjoying these classes. Years back I have attended a class or two but they gave me a scary feeling and sensation. Somehow I thought I would never understand and keep up to a yoga class. However, it's different now.. and I'm embracing these good vibes... working out, keeping a positive mind and trying to maintain a healthy relationship with people around me.

I will be leaving the country in another 2 days for a short trip with my family. Unfortunately, my husband & baby won't be joining us for this trip. Nevertheless they will be close to my heart wherever I go. Perhaps a short break is what I needed to keep things straight. Have I mentioned about changing my job middle of this year, being more health conscious and re-ignite my old hobby...reading.

Kelly Sweet - Why

Kelly Sweet - Ready for love

Lets share a bit of what I'm obsessed recently, the 2 songs I don't mind listening to over and over again while indulge into my favourite pass time. Something about the way Kelly Sweet sings which melts me from within. Probably I love songs that come with a lil bit of humming.. feels like paradise.. LOL

Till next time!! 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Time passed by swiftly without realising...

I don't even remember when was the last time I visited my blog... this very blog I have abandoned..

Well, I guess it's time to pick up the bits and pieces.

The last post indicated that I was still single and look at me now... I'm married with a son! :)
He's already 19 months, not giving me much of a problem I would say.

When I was much younger, I spent a lot of my time reading... for the record, not school books. I read so much that I didn't dare got back into reading for quite some time as I know I would never stop once I start picking up this so call free time hobby (or shall I say full time hobby... as I would overwrite everything for reading).

So recently, a dear friend of mine introduced me to reading again, specifically a romance novel. I was so drawn to it that I'm already in my 3rd series. Told ya I wouldn't stop *wink*. Nevertheless, I never regret that decision to start reading again. What I'm feeling right now if excitement, joy and satisfaction and of course all that made me feel so much better in life.. like a sense of looking forward to the future.

Life is never dull.. I guess I have to thank my wild imaginations!! It makes me feel light and happy..

Anyways, I guess I need to release all these feelings here otherwise I would explode literally.

Till next time...

Current Snippets

I'll be back! pretty soon...

19th June 2010
8.53 a.m.