Friday, October 10, 2008

Get It?

I was reading jokes from this site and guess what I found?

Joke #1
(Jokes were slightly altered)
"Dear, guess what I heard today?" Mr. Innocent asks to his wife.
"What is that, honey?" the wife asks.
"The postman has seduced every woman on our block but one."
The wife replies, "I bet it's that stuck-up Felicia in number 33."

Joke #2
At a rugby match, a player was knocked down by an opponent. This player didn't move so first-aiders quickly grabbed their gears and rushed to the field. Meanwhile, the coach picked up the player and asked "Can you hear me? Squeeze me once for yes and twice for no."

Get the joke? *lol*

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19th June 2010
8.53 a.m.