Friday, October 24, 2008

8 hours shopping spree

Few days ago, I went out with Dave's mom in conjuction with the Metrojaya Anniversary Sales on their Preview Day. We were in Metrojaya only for a good 7 + hours. We bought nothing much but it was fun touching, holding, analysing and commenting stuffs there. That night itself I slept soundly till the sun rises like nobody's business. It was quite tiring and frustrating at the same time as there's so much to buy but not money =(

I spotted Metrojaya setting up Christmas decorations eventhough Deepavali is just around the corner. Christmas excites me.. how I wish everyday is Christmas. Lol.. Talking about Deepavali decorations, Midvalley has a nice one and 1Utama has a big intense-coloured peacock which I find it attractive. However, I only manage to take snapshots of Midvalley's decoration and not 1Utama.

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19th June 2010
8.53 a.m.