Sunday, June 29, 2008

I need a break...from life

Probably I've never realised it but I think I really need a break. Yes, I deserve it. I never realised how responsibilities and burdens have been wearing me off. It's not that I'm complaining but at times, I feel tired.
How would it feel like to have no responsibilities? Well, of course I don't mean being irresponsible but having no commitment and no duty that one must perform/fulfill. How stupid I am, everyone understands that simple question. Nevermind that.

My mind hasn't really stop thinking. I don't want it to be active but, thoughts keeping rushing in.
How would it feel like to be carefree? I can totally generate tonnes of questions. I just couldn't put my mind to rest currently. For instance:

Caring for others more than self, is it a good thing? What harm can it bring?
Being selfish, will it be beneficial for myself? Again, what harm can it bring?
Is there perfection? Have I been living in a world where perfection exist?
I always live by this motto "Nobody is perfect" but have I really lived up to that?
Is there time for me to think for myself? Is it the time to do so now?

I'm certainly not fretting and I'm not seeking for any answer to those questions either. I am positive towards life and I want to be positive. Yes, positivity is good for life.

I've heard from friends, those who have known me long enough (not one but many enough to bring my attention into this matter) commented me being, well, how should I put this... "keeping-all-to-herself girl"? Is that a bad character/attitude (or how should I categorize it?)?

It is not that I am being negative.
It's certainly not that I don't appreciate friendship,
It's not that I don't want to share and
I certainly don't mean to be secretive and all that,
but I reckon is the way I think, the way I see life and not forgetting experience(s) from the past.
Why should I burden others with my problems or even bored my friends with my boring life events?

Another reason is, I'm brought up in a family filled with gossipers, not just any ordinary gossipers but those who will make matters spicier. I would like to stress out that family doesn't mean DIRECT family, they could be none-blood-related members. You see, 1 and 1.0 are both similar values but 1 and 10 are both very different values not mentioning 100, 1000, 100000. When people gossips, some may add just a little more extra details for the effect but some just add in too much details that could mean harm to the people they are talking about. So, what I'm trying to say is, when a matter = 1 and you add a lil' bit of spice to make it 1.0 or even 1.01, 1.0001, it may have no effect but when you add another 0 (not a decimal point) next to the 1, it's a totally different story. I got this understanding from my dad when I was younger, when I was still naive, trusting people that there are still nice people around me. How can I share when my story/problem which I conveyed will be broadcasted? So,
I would say, living in such an environment has molded me to what I am. I'm just used to being "keeping-all-to-self".. Old Habits Die Hard *winks* don't they?

P/S: Don't you think it's always easier to let the cat out of the bag than keeping it within as the cat may struggle, aggressive or just simply being too cute to be hidden. Lol, is that why "when a secret is made to known" called? (By the way, just digressing with my just-came-up thoughts...again -.-")


leonardo said...

geee i like this post.. :) how i wish i could post something like this.. and, it seems you used to like mathematics, where you have these 1's and 1.0's and 10's... :) good luck for the job hunting..

Vivian Kelly said...

Thank you so much for your kind comment. I bet your posts are much better than mine. Yours are more informative.
Well, I was never really great in Maths, wasn't my best subject in school back then :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Vivian, I love your post and the insights - I chanced upon your site when I was looking for the image of Lily of the Valley. Food for thot - though your post was 3 mos back. Private victory precedes public victory ... Whatever the circumstance, you have a choice and that is the biggest victory we have for ourselves. Just a month back, I overcame some negativities associated with 1.01, 1.001 etc sth which I identified with but with "friends", I wrote on my blog, ... I felt liberated. I wish and trust the same for you! Joys

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19th June 2010
8.53 a.m.