Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Astrology & Flowers

I was doing some searching as usual on the internet and at the same time, searching for meanings of flowers as well as its colours. Then, I saw "Astrology Floral" and so I clicked on it. I was excited for a moment as I thought I saw my birth sign flower is TULIPS! However, another glance and I saw my actual birth sign flower is Lily which I think is not too bad. At least it's not Chrysanthemum :) Aries has my favourite flower which is the zodiac sign just before mine.

Stubborn, headstrong, fierce are the commonly known characteristics of Taureans. Is that really true of Taureans? I hope not :) In Wikipedia, Taurus is considered as a feminine negative sign. I wonder if the astrologer or person who sets that character onto Taurus were being dumped or disheartened by one before *lol*. So unfair to Taurus right? Anyways, nevermind about that.

As far as I'm concern, there are certain characteristics a zodiac sign holds but I never heard that zodiac signs has identifiable physical traits. Astrologers believed that Taureans will tend to have a full, square or long face with small ears, large rounded and dimpled chin, sometimes with prominent foreheads, short/pointy and turned-up nose, large & expressive eyes, well-shaped lips, small & even teeth and thich, curly hair. Lol, I don't see myself having all those traits. Well, not everybody believes in astrology and I'm certainly not one.

Back to the main point, astrology and flowers. Magestic lilies cater to the Taurus' appreciation for nature's exquisite beauty with flowers. It is believed that lilies will indulge Taurus' romantic and sensual side with their form and fragrant. Personally, for lilies, I think white looks the best.
The few species of Lilies among many:

Calla lily, I like this one because it looks neat.

Lily of the Valley, I personally think this sp. of lily is very cute and pretty.

Lilium longiflorum (the common lilies we usually see)
*Pictures taken from the internet

Another site stated that lavender and lilac is suitable for Taurus. In my opinion, I think it doesn't matter which flower cater's a zodiac sign but more importantly depending on individuals as tastes varies among each other.

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19th June 2010
8.53 a.m.