It's been a while since I last posted (again!). Well, I was tired, lazy and no inspiration to start a new topic. However, (at last) something other than ordinary happened today, nothing unusual as well. I actually went bowling and shopping with Mel today.
So I'll start of with bowling since that's what we did first. My average today was 165.67 (192, 123 & 182). Mel did well, considering she's new in bowling, she still managed an average of close to 100. Bravo Mel~~!! After we finished our 3 games only did I noticed Pyramid Megalanes are currently having their October promotion. The promotion is meant for College Girls. Just by showing your college/university student i.d., you are entitle 2 free games. Just as simple as that but remember, GIRLS only!. Damn the cashier who never inform us. We paid 3 games which we should only pay for 1 (since we're also entitled for the 2 free games). Enough of complaining. Now that I'm so eager to show you what I've bought today!!
By the way, we had late lunch in Pizza Hut after the damage to our purses. We ordered one of the cheaper sets available, Sensasi Delight set, below Rm10 per set.
Mel on the phone while dipping Breadstix into her soup-of-the-day a.k.a. mushroom cream soup
Posting while on the phone with her food

This was what I ordered (picture taken from Pizza Hut's site)
But my rice came looking so different from the illustration
Looks like it's sabotaged by the chef/waiter *jk LOL*
By the way, the rice was too dry to my liking.. taste as if it's not properly cooked
I even had Mel to swear and witness that the rice was not touched by me when it was served
She claimed to be sincere.. but this photo showed otherwise *hmm..*
Mel's Waikiki Paradise
We were so adventurous that we tried creating new soup flavours from the ones we were having.
We had our soup mixed with Tabasco sauce
Balancing the taste as I put too much Tabasco into 1 bowl
And also cheese flakes. Stirring is needed *lol* that's why the picture came out to be blurry due to motions
The result: I think it tasted like Sabah's chili (paste) and Mel said Mich told her that adding chili sauce into the soup could produce sze chuan soup
Our precious, I feel so happy with what I've purchased today!!!
Mel's newest collection
This picture was taken in her car as we were not daring enough to take it in public restaurants *lol*
So, before leaving Pyramid, we were both taking snapshots in Mel's car like 2 crazy females
Behold my newest collection *lol*
Mel insisted that I took this shot there and then so that my accessories' picture won't look better than hers (to avoid biasness) even it caused her to get caught in the jam on her way back home.
The total damage I got from this outing was around Rm100 (bowling + food + accessories + parking fee) but I'm happy with the stuff I bought *wink*
Babe,,,,i feel like crying when I see how nice all the accessories are. it's 6.34Am, and it's crazy tat i wake up before 7AM everyday lately. In sdk, it's so hard to buy nice accessories and i have been hunting for nice necklaces i can die now. LOL. I miss shopping or window shopping. OMG.... /sob sob. now Im jealous.
Babe, let me console you a while *hugs* Let me tell you something.. Buying accessories everytime isn't all that thrilling but buying it once in a while is!!! What I'm trying to say is, now that you're in sdk and you're not buying accezz often means you'll have more budgetting for accezz. So when you come over here, you can have your SPREE here and shop till you DROP!! That way, you'll feel the satisfaction!
OMG.... vivian, u bought lots of things nie. I was so jealous... but at de same time, feel lucky didnt out tat day, else i also spending money like water. Yea yea yea, i know i finish talk lah. This is de only way to console myself.. not to jealous u mah!! Gosh, i like those necklace n rings nie... ish ish ish!!!
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