Look out point is actually a location at Ampang where we can view KL city clearly especially at night with the lights from sky scrappers. There are a few restaurants there for visitors as well and I've been here years before this and on several occasions for Western Food. Look Out Point has changed since the last time I've been there. They use to provide free parking but now, we have to pay RM2 for a parking and we need to walk our way up there. Probably it's because they have more visitors now. The most impressive point out there is the view. We can dine while facing the view of KL city.
The food there is HALAL and tastes alright plus the price is reasonable. I prefer to order their lamb chops because I think it's more worth the price compared to other dishes. Besides western food, they do serve local food and some Thai cuisines.
Here's some pictures that I've taken from the last visit:
However, the picture is lousy because it's a self snap shop.
We took this in a hurry because we were kind of shy taking pics there.
Now that parking near/next to the restaurant is rare , we have to park at the foot of the hill and climb flights of stairs before eating which is a good thing where we have to WORK for our food - Balance out the calories intake *^^* You know, burn some gain some!! Besides Look Out Point Restaurant, now they also have Gasoline Cafe next to it and a mamak stall at the foot of the hill. One more thing... for those afraid of cold, do bring along a sweater, jacket or scarf. It can be cold at times.
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