For instance:
Handphone beeping
Friend:Hello, Viv. What time are we supposed to meet? Are you driving?
Me: I'll reach your place at around 11am with my mini coop if you don't mind.
Friend: Of course I don't mind. Wait a minute, mini coop?
Me: Yeah.. my mini coop a.k.a kancil, my mini car. *laughing*
Friend: Oh... *probably za dou at this moment*
Guess what? My call has been answered! My Kancil has really turned into a Mini Cooper!! Let me show you some proofs.

Being dreamy and smiling all the way while driving it
Even the picture turned out dreamy a.k.a blurry

Look at the steering with the logo

Getting-out-of-the-car post

The speedometer at night
*Thank you Marcus for the meter information*

Larger view of the speedometer (with flash)

Tachometer and steering view

Front interior view and YES it's a manual like my usual Kancil
Probably the gear box can't be transformed from manual to automatic *sigh*

Full view of my newly transformed mini coop

Trying to if.... *fail* but I still want to post it *:p*
Notice the change of my top.
The pictures above was taken while I had my test drive before going out officially

Trial no. 2
*fail* *:p*

Going into the car also want to post
Look at how the 'S' illuminates.. it's a Cooper-S

Finally, Dave and I with the mini cooper
Friend:Hello, Viv. What time are we supposed to meet? Are you driving?
Me: I'll reach your place at around 11am with my mini coop if you don't mind.
Friend: Of course I don't mind. Wait a minute, mini coop?
Me: Yeah.. my mini coop a.k.a kancil, my mini car. *laughing*
Friend: Oh... *probably za dou at this moment*
Guess what? My call has been answered! My Kancil has really turned into a Mini Cooper!! Let me show you some proofs.
Being dreamy and smiling all the way while driving it
Even the picture turned out dreamy a.k.a blurry
Look at the steering with the logo
Getting-out-of-the-car post
The speedometer at night
*Thank you Marcus for the meter information*
Larger view of the speedometer (with flash)
Tachometer and steering view
Front interior view and YES it's a manual like my usual Kancil
Probably the gear box can't be transformed from manual to automatic *sigh*
Full view of my newly transformed mini coop
Trying to if.... *fail* but I still want to post it *:p*
Notice the change of my top.
The pictures above was taken while I had my test drive before going out officially
Trial no. 2
*fail* *:p*
Going into the car also want to post
Look at how the 'S' illuminates.. it's a Cooper-S
Finally, Dave and I with the mini cooper
This car has good pick-up speed but the suspension setting is quite stiff IMO. The clutch is also stiff and the reverse gear was hard to shift *sweats all over after I manage to shift into the reverse*. I still prefer vehicles like Hummer and Mercedes *lol*
By the way, I guess that's all just a dream. When I woke up, my Kancil is still the cute little Kancil but what's left were these pictures in my camera *wink*
By the way, I guess that's all just a dream. When I woke up, my Kancil is still the cute little Kancil but what's left were these pictures in my camera *wink*
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