However, my friends got me some presents. The photos below are the gifs and cake I received. They got me shopping vouchers, bottles, scarf and bag. My dearest got me a Haagan Daaz cake where as my beloved bro. got me a slice of cake. So nice of all of them.
On the 8th May, me, Sonia (Nia Nia), Marcus (Cus Cus) and Quek (Quek Quek) went to Midvalley. Prior to Quek's arrival (waiting for him to finish work), we went shopping around MV. Sonia managed to bought herself some earrings, I got STICKERS.. Muahahaha and Marcus get to see this shrimps, plants and fishes in the pet shop although ended up not buying anything. Finally, when Quek arrived, we ate dinner at Kim Gary's then had McD ice cream which had me laughing like some mad person or some drugged person. Ada TISU~~ ada TISU~~.
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